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Game Server with Pterodactyl management panel

Game Server with Pterodactyl management panel v.1.11.3
(This server is availabe as Amazon Machine Image on AWS)

This game server allows you to run one or more Java-based game servers at the same time with access on different ports. All game servers run in isolated Docker containers. Server management (installation, start and stop) is carried out using the control panel. The Pterodactyl control panel has a beautiful and intuitive UI for administrators and users. After launching, the server is immediately fully operational. No server setup required.

Supported Java-based games:

  • Minecraft (including Spigot, Sponge, Bungeecord, Waterfall, and more),
  • Rust,
  • Terraria,
  • Teamspeak,
  • Mumble,
  • Team Fortress 2,
  • Counter Strike (Global Offensive),
  • Garry's Mod,
  • ARK (Survival Evolved).

    Installed servers:

  • Vanilla Minecraft 1.19.4 (port 25561)
  • Minecraft Paper (port 25562)
  • Minecraft Forge - 45.0.46 (port 25563)
  • Minecraft Fabric - 0.14.19(port 25564)

    The key features of the Server:
  • Makes it possible to quickly launch game servers, including several servers at the same time.
  • After launching, the server is immediately fully operational. No server setup required.
  • The control panel has a beautiful and intuitive UI to administrators and users.

  • Usage Instructions for Amazon AWS users:

    Launch the server. After launching, this server is immediately fully operational. No server setup required.

    You can manage Java-based servers using the Pterodactyl Control Panel:
    Please use "admin" as username and your AWS instance ID as password.

    To start the pre-installed game server, please click on the corresponding server on the main page of the Pterodactyl Control Panel, then on the server status page, click the "Start" button.

    According to the initial settings in the Pterodactyl Panel, each pre-installed Java server is allocated approximately 70% of all available memory of the instance. This memory allocation is very good for running one server at a same time. If you plan to run multiple servers at the same time, then you should probably change memory allocation for servers that are scheduled to run simultaneously. It is recommended that to run multiple servers at the same time, the amount of allocated memory for all servers (sum of allocated memory across all servers) that are planned to run at the same time would be approximately 70% of the total memory of the instance.

    Web panel description:

    Note: if an Elastic IP address has been assigned to a working server then server should be restarted.

    SSH username: admin
    Game Server with Pterodactyl management panel
    Try this server on AWS !